Friday, April 20, 2018

Home birth

Home birth is something uncommon here in Canada and especially on PEI  today, but in the past it wasn't. Hospital birth is a relatively new invention in the grand view of the world. Midwife attended birth, home birth and in some cases free birth are the most common way to birth all through history ,and still is the most common way to birth in many countries around the world.

Some people think home birth is illegal but in fact it is not, and while not common on the Island as there are no registered midwifes, some woman to have home births and free births. It is not terribly complicated to register your baby after it is born it is a few simple papers to fill out and a confirmation from your maternity care provider that you where in fact pregnant.

Some woman see a care provider during pregnancy and some do not, it is helpful but not mandatory to see one just so you have a record of pregnancy, but if you feel like that is not necessary it can be worked around.

I hope to update this regularly with interviews with people who have had home births as well as people who support home birth. I hope this can be resource for woman on the island as well as across Canada.